15 Simple Tips To Make Your Hair Grow Faster And Stronger

The steps and ways to acheive long and lustrous locks simplified for you.

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Rekha Yadav, BHMS
By Arshiya Syeda

Some of us dream of having long, luscious hair, though we can’t seem to make our hair grow any faster. The harsh truth is – there is no secret miraculous elixir that can give you a magical Rapunzel-like hair growth spurt. But there are a few techniques you can add to your hair care routine that may stimulate better hair growth and increase hair thickness and strength. Keep reading to check these helpful tips.

The Science Behind Hair Growth

Hair growth has three stages – anagen, catagen, and telogen. Each hair strand has its stage of development. The anagen stage is the growth stage and typically lasts between two to six years. The catagen phase comes after the anagen phase and involves the transition or renewal of the hair follicles, lasting four to six weeks. The telogen phase (the last stage) is the rest phase, where the hair stops growing. Human hair grows about six inches a year (1).

Interesting Fact: You are born with 5 million hair follicles, of which 100,000 follicles are on your scalp. Losing 50 to 100 hair follicles every day is normal, according to the American Academy Of Dermatology.

Now that you are aware of the different hair growth stages, let us look at what you can do to stimulate faster hair growth.

How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster?

1. Give Yourself A Scalp Massage

A scalp massage is the simplest way to stimulate hair growth. Not only does a scalp massage feel great, but it also boosts blood circulation and strengthens hair (2). A scalp massage also mobilizes the scalp oils that strengthen the roots and keep your hair moist.

A scalp massage offers relaxation and contributes to hair growth (3). Massaging with coconut oil boosts hair growth and strength. The oil is packed with essential vitamins and nutrients and acts as a natural hair conditioner (4). Massaging the hair gently with hot oils also nourishes, revitalizes, and soothes the scalp.

2. Trim Your Hair Regularly

Damaged hair or hair with split ends inhibits the growth of new hair. Regular hair trimming is essential. If left untreated, split ends can make your hair dull, dry, and tangled. Trimming also treats hair breakage.

However, remember not to overdo the trimming. The average time between each trim should be 3 to 4 months. Also, cut your hair half an inch to an inch while trimming your hair.

3. Have A Healthy, Balanced Diet

A healthy diet will ensure your hair gets all the nutrition it needs to grow long and strong. A healthy, balanced diet contains all the nutrients required for promoting hair growth (5). Foods rich in vitamins and minerals also promote hair growth (6). Consume foods rich in protein and amino acids, which are essential for hair growth.

4. Don’t Wash Hair Too Often

Keeping your hair clean is essential for hygiene and hair growth. But overdoing it can cause more harm than good. Shampooing your hair every day can dry your hair out and flush out the natural scalp oils. A good alternative would be chemical-free shampoos enriched with hair-lengthening ingredients. Shampooing every day can also dehydrate your hair. Also, hair roots are the weakest when wet. Hence, you must comb hair gently after every wash.

5. Avoid Heat Styling Tools

Excess use of styling tools like blow dryers and curling or flat irons can damage your hair and make it dry and brittle (7). You may use such tools sparingly, at low-heat settings. Use heat protectants to avoid hair breakage.

6. Try Natural Hair Packs

You could be aware of the benefits of natural hair packs. Hair masks provide vital nutrients that help nourish and strengthen your hair and help it grow faster. Use hair masks that moisturize the hair shaft.

From honey and lemon to avocado and olive oil, there are plenty of options that will moisturize your hair, make it silky smooth, and enable it to grow to its full potential. Natural remedies and hair packs containing herbal ingredients like gooseberries, shikakai (Acacia Concinna), onion juice, and coconut milk help nourish and boost hair growth. Egg and cinnamon masks also help stimulate blood circulation and nourish hair strands.

7. Condition Your Hair Regularly

A conditioner helps replace the lipids and proteins inside the hair shaft and also seals the hair cuticle. Deep conditioning and reconstructing treatments help hydrate hair strands, repair damaged hair, and eliminate frizz.

8. Don’t Brush Your Hair Too Often

While hair brushing is essential, doing it too often can damage your hair strands. The constant friction from hair brushing can break your hair strands and keep them from growing faster. The key is to brush your hair gently, which stimulates the scalp, releases natural oils, and helps spread those oils down the length of the hair strands. Harsh brushing may cause traction alopecia (8).

9. Switch Your Pillow Covers

Replace your regular cotton pillow covers with silk covers. Cotton pillow covers lift the outer cuticle layers of your hair and make it more prone to frizz, breakage, and damage. Silk is smoother and causes less friction. With a silk pillow cover, you will wake up with fewer tangles.

10. Use Supplements

Nutritional deficiencies can stunt hair growth too. In addition to real foods, you also can take supplements that will help boost hair growth (9). Biotin and multivitamin supplements may help promote faster hair growth. Getting plenty of omega-3s can also help.

11. Rinse Your Hair With Cold Water

Rinsing your hair with cold water allows the cuticles to smooth out and lie flat, making your hair soft and manageable. Avoid hot water rinses as they can damage your hair. Cold water rinses also seal the cuticles and strengthen hair.

12. Switch To Microfiber Towels

Wrapping your hair in a towel right after a wash seems logical. However, wet hair is fragile and prone to breakage. Hence, pat your hair dry with a towel. This will prevent hair damage. Also, replace your traditional towel with one made of microfibers. Traditional bath towels contain large woven fibers that may cause hair breakage. Microfiber towels are not as fluffy and absorb water quickly from your hair without causing any damage.

13. Reduce Stress

High stress is a common cause of hair fall (10). Practicing yoga, meditation, and other stress-relieving exercises can lower your stress levels. Get eight hours of sleep every night and cultivate relaxing hobbies.

14. Stay Away From Bleach

Hair bleaches open up the hair cuticles and may cause significant hair damage. Chemically-treated hair is more prone to breakage and split ends. The lesser the chemical or color treatments, the better and faster your hair growth.

15. Caffeine-Based Treatments

Caffeine stimulates the matrix cells in a healthy hair follicle and may promote hair growth (11). Caffeine’s antioxidants reduce water loss and increase the production of healthy hair cells (12). It also has growth-promoting effects on hair (13).

These are the various methods that can possibly promote faster hair growth. In the following section, we have discussed the factors that can slow down or even stop your hair growth.

What Factors Can Interfere With Hair Growth?

1. Hair Colors

Most hair colors contain ammonia, an industrial bleaching agent. Ammonia can dry your hair out. Hydrogen peroxide is another chemical that can cause hair breakage, split ends, and frizz; and may also suppress hair growth (14). Excess use of hair colors can lead to hair fall by damaging the hair follicles. You can instead try natural color options like henna. It colors and conditions your hair. You can also use coffee or cinnamon powder.

2. Hair Treatments

Most hair treatments use many harsh chemicals that lead to severe hair fall. Regular hair straightening also leads to split ends. Try avoiding or reducing the frequency of such hair treatments.

3. Brushing Wet Hair

Wet hair is fragile and susceptible to breakage. Never brush your hair while it is wet. Wait for your hair to dry naturally. You may then gently detangle it and comb softly.

4. Tight Hairstyles And Rubber Bands

Tight hairstyles like ponytails or braids pull hair from its roots. They can weaken hair and even cause permanent hair damage. Rubber bands also can do the same. Avoid such hairstyles as much as possible.

Making a few changes to your hair care routine and diet can help your hair grow faster. Consume foods rich in minerals, vitamins, protein, and amino acids for effective hair growth. Shampooing every day strips the scalp of its natural oils, rendering the hair dry and weak. So, do not overdo it, and use chemical-free shampoos. Moreover, using heat styling tools, brushing too often, and not hydrating the hair enough may damage your strands, thus impacting their growth. It is important for you to accept that no medication or oil can ensure hair growth overnight. Follow these tips and techniques, and be patient until you see results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which oil grows hair fastest?

Castor oil is said to grow hair the fastest. But the key to substantial hair growth is to follow a regular hair care regimen and apply the oil consistently on a weekly basis.

Does rice water grow hair?

Rice water is good for your hair as it contains a carbohydrate called inositol that repairs damaged hair. Rice water also contains amino acids that increase hair volume, strengthen hair roots, and give you smooth and shiny tresses.

Does aloe vera help your hair?

Aloe vera is very beneficial for your hair. It strengthens and repairs your hair, cleanses oily tresses, stimulates hair growth, and soothes an itchy scalp.

What vitamin makes your hair grow?

There are five main vitamins you should add to your diet to make your hair healthy. They are vitamins A, B complex, C, D, and E.

Does coconut oil grow hair?

Coconut oil is one of the best hair oils as it moisturizes your tresses from within. It prevents protein loss and UV damage and strengthens your roots, thus aiding hair growth.

Does castor oil grow hair?

Castor oil contains omega-6 fatty acids, which may stimulate hair growth. Apart from that, castor oil is very beneficial in improving your hair health, appearance, and texture.

Which shampoo is best for hair growth?

Look for shampoos that are free of harsh ingredients like SLS, SLES, parabens, phthalates, and added colors and fragrances. Opt for shampoos with natural ingredients rich in nutrients that are sure to promote hair growth

Key Takeaways

  • Massaging your head regularly boosts blood circulation in the scalp, which promotes hair growth.
  • Trimming your hair and deep conditioning regularly also boosts hair growth.
  • Avoid tight hairstyles and coloring your hair too frequently as it weakens and damages your hair.


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Arshiya Syeda is an editor at StyleCraze. Prior to that, she was a content writer and combined her writing and... more

Dr. Rekha Yadav

Dr. Rekha Yadav is a certified trichologist from the International Association of Trichologists, Australia. She established her hair and scalp... more