How To Care For Your Hair In Monsoon

Be frizz-free this season with hair serums, masks, and oils paired with a healthy diet.

By Jyotsana Rao

The exhilarating smell of wet earth lets us know that the rainy season has arrived. But, the season also brings its set of hair issues that can only be resolved using the best monsoon hair products. The right products can improve your hair health and keep those pesky rainy day worries at bay. After all, your hair needs special care this time of the year.

While most women crib about dull and frizzy hair. Hair fall and dandruff become a regular issue at this time of the year. To combat these, a simple hair care routine is all you need. But you must know the dos and don’ts to minimize further damage, agreed? So, here you go some simple tips to manage your luscious locks during the monsoons!

Hair Care Regimen For Monsoons

1. Conditioner Is A Must After Shampoo

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During the monsoons, your mane stays humid all the time, especially if you have curls. Regular use of shampoo and conditioner is the best way to control this. Shampoos remove excess oil and dirt from the scalp and hair, while conditioners reduce static electricity and make the hair easier to manage (1). It is best advised to use a frizz-control shampoo and conditioner. Try Toni and Guy Frizz Smoothing shampoo and conditioner (it is always better to use hair products from the same range for best results).

2. Hair Serum For Lustrous, Frizz-Free Hair

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Hair serums control frizz, flyaways and add shine to hair. In short, it makes your hair way more manageable. It is important to use a serum with light consistency to avoid hair from weighing down. You can try Garnier Fructis Smoothing Serum-Silky Straight for satisfying results.

3. Hair Masks For Nourishment

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Due to humidity and frequent washing, our hair tends to lose its vital nutrients. Hair masks come to the rescue in such situations. A study claims that vegetable protein hair masks can improve hair strength and smoothness and repair damage (3).

You can also prepare homemade nourishing hair masks for best results. Clueless? Fret not, here’s some help.

How To Prepare Hair Mask At Home?

  • Mash half or full banana (depending on your hair length)
  • Add one tablespoon honey
  • One teaspoon almond oil
  • Mix all ingredients well
  • Apply the mask to your hair shafts and leave it on for half an hour
  • Wrap a moist hot towel around the hair for nutrients to penetrate deeper
  • Wash your hair well using shampoo, followed by a conditioner

4. Hair Oils For Deep Conditioning

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Due to excess humidity during monsoons, our hair tends to stay frizzy and damp all the time. Deep oil conditioning with coconut oil is a great remedy for tackling your hair problems (3). For good hair oil conditioning :

  • Take coconut, olive oil, or any other oil you prefer
  • Warm the oil a little
  • Apply some warm oil to your hair and scalp
  • Leave it on for an hour before taking a shower. This will ensure frizz-free hair even after you shampoo

Tips For Stronger And Healthier Hair

Image: Shutterstock

  • Always use a wide-toothed comb to untangle your hair. This will prevent split ends and breakage. This is particularly if you have wavy and curly hair.
  • Drink extra water to keep your hair well-hydrated and nourished. This will control hair fall and damage.
  • Add protein-rich foods like carrots, eggs, dairy products, green vegetables to your diet. Proteins play a significant role in making your hair stronger (4).

The monsoon season brings with it extra humidity and lots of hair fall. To combat this, following a simple hair routine can reduce hair fall and add luster to your hair. Light hair serums and homemade hair masks are some of the best monsoon hair care products you can use to keep your hair clean and moisturized. Using a wide-toothed comb to brush your hair, drinking plenty of water, and eating protein-rich foods such as egg, chicken or fish can make your hair stronger, soft, smooth, and frizz-free.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I wash my hair on rainy days?

Yes. Our hair attracts more dirt and dust during the rainy season and tends to become flat due to the humidity. So, washing your hair regularly and using a light conditioner is essential.

Does monsoon cause hair fall?

Yes. Humid weather during the monsoon season can make your scalp oily and dirty, making your hair fall.

How many times should I wash my hair in the monsoon?

You may wash your hair every other day during the monsoon as it tends to become sticky and grimy due to the humidity.


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  1. Shampoo and Conditioners: What a Dermatologist Should Know?
  2. Effect of Various Concentration of Vegetable Protein in Hair Mask on The Hair Texture
  3. Effect of mineral oil sunflower oil and coconut oil on prevention of hair damage
  4. “Let Food be Thy Medicine”: Value of Nutritional Treatment for Hair Loss
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Jyotsana Rao is an engineering graduate from NIT, Nagpur, who discovered her love for writing during her undergraduate days. She... more