Hair Fall In Summer – 5 Natural Ways To Protect Hair

Tackle your summertime sadness with the best ways to flaunt vibrant, voluminous hair.

Medically Reviewed by Vd. Naveen Sharma, BAMS
By Arshiya Syeda

Contrary to popular belief, hair falls the most during summer (1). While your perfect idea of summer is sipping a cool lemonade on a beach, watching a few extra strands on your brush is not the best way to celebrate your summer. Thankfully, some natural remedies can prevent hair fall in summer effectively. All you need to do is clean your scalp with some natural ingredients from your kitchen, and you are all set for the summer.

The hair keeps your head warm and insulated. While that is great during the winters, in the summer, that is not ideal. Hence, your body sheds hair to keep your hair cool. However, that does not mean you sit and do nothing while your hair falls out. In this article, we have explained some of the best home remedies to protect your hair from falling during the summer.

How To Prevent Hair Fall During Summer

1. Warm Coconut Oil Massages


A warm oil massage not only rejuvenates your senses but also does a whole lot of wonders for your hair.

Coconut oil reduces protein loss in both undamaged and damaged hair, whether used as a prewash or postwash product (2). The massage helps to stimulate blood flow to the scalp and facilitates the growth of new hair.

You can also add essential oils to coconut oil to massage the scalp. Massage the scalp with warm coconut oil at least three times a week, and you will notice a remarkable change in the quality of your hair. Keep the oil on overnight and shampoo it out the next day. Over time, your fair will feel thicker, silkier, and softer.

2. Diet And Hydration


When it comes to hair care, diet plays a very important role. Your diet should contain adequate amounts of nutrients like iron, zinc, biotin, niacin, vitamin C, vitamin D, and omega-3s and omega-6s (3). However, studies linking these nutrients to hair loss are limited, and more research is required.

Include more nuts in your diet, like almonds and walnuts. Eat fresh, healthy, and local produce.

If you think supplementation is required, do consult a doctor. It is never a good idea to go for supplementation without medical supervision because over supplementation can lead to hair loss as well.

Dehydration can also cause the hair to get brittle and break off. And it is a serious problem during summers because we tend to sweat a lot. Make sure you consume 2-3 liters of water every day. Consume fruits and vegetables that have high water content, like cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelon, etc.

3. Aloe Vera Juice


Aloe vera has been used for ages for its healing properties and preventing hair loss (4). Drinking aloe vera juice can strengthen your hair from within.

You can also apply it topically. Apply the raw gel of the aloe plant on your scalp. You can scoop out fresh gel from the leaf or buy it from a store.

Doing this treatment regularly can condition and improve damaged, dry hair. Since aloe vera has antifungal and antiviral properties, it also combats issues like dandruff by hydrating the scalp (5).

4. Deep Conditioning

There are many natural ingredients that reduce hair loss. All you need to do is mix some of them and make a love potion for your hair. You can deep condition your hair using these treatments and encourage new hair growth.

Try this mask. Whisk two eggs and add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Add one teaspoon of olive oil and half a tablespoon of honey. Mix it well and apply the paste on your scalp. Keep it on for 20 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.

Eggs are chock full of protein, which enhances hair growth and strength and controls hair loss (6). Olive oil makes your hair stronger, and honey conditions your hair and adds luster (7).

Apple cider vinegar lowers hair’s pH, making your hair stronger and shinier. A study published in the International Journal of Trichology shows that high alkalinity may increase friction between the hair fibers, leading to damage to the cuticles and hair breakage (8).

Use this mask regularly to make your tresses stronger and healthier. Here are a few more hair masks that treat hair loss effectively.

5. Reduce Heat Styling

As a general rule, if you love your hair, keep heat styling to a minimum – avoid it completely if possible. Regular heat styling can lead to hair breakage and thinning. That’s why you should set hair straighteners, curling tongs, and crimping irons to 180 degrees or lesser. Also, always use a heat-protecting misting spray before applying heat.

You can also opt for protective styles that keep the hair healthy. Braid it before sleeping and cover it with a scarf when you go out in the sun.

There are some basic things you can follow to keep the seasonal hair loss to a minimum. They are discussed in the next section

How To Prevent Hair Fall In Summer


  • Keep your scalp clean and dry.
  • Shampoo three times a week with a sulfate-free, paraben-free product.
  • Air-dry your hair before tying it up.
  • Make sure you protect the scalp from dust and sweat because this can fuel issues of dandruff.
  • Try to avoid air conditioning as it tends to dry out your hair and scalp.
  • Do yoga and workout regularly to increase blood flow to your scalp.

Hair fall during the summer season is one of the most annoying things. When your head becomes warm and insulated during this season, the body starts shedding hair to keep your head cool. But, you can protect your hair from falling by following the abovementioned tips and tricks. To prevent hair fall in summer, you may have to incorporate a few things in your daily hair care routine and follow a healthy diet. In addition, avoiding heat treatments and styling tools will also help prevent hair fall.

Expert’s Answers To Readers’ Question

In which season does hair fall out most?

People experience maximum hair fall during summers.

Which is the best shampoo for hair fall in summer?

Any sulfate-free, paraben-free shampoo would be ideal. Here are a few shampoos you can try.

Is it normal to lose a lot of hair in the shower?

Yes, it is normal to find clumps of hair in the shower drain. However, if you are worried about it, you should consult a doctor.


  1. Seasonality of hair shedding in healthy women complaining of hair loss.” Dermatology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
  2. Hair Cosmetics: An Overview” International Journal of Trichology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
  3. Diet and hair loss: effects of nutrient deficiency and supplement use” Dermatology Practical & Conceptual, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
  4. Evaluation of the Nutritional and Metabolic Effects of Aloe vera” NCBI Bookshelf, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
  5. Effectiveness of five antidandruff cosmetic formulations against planktonic cells and biofilms of dermatophytes” Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
  6. Top 10 Foods To Reduce Hair Loss” New York College of Health Professions.
  7. Medicinal and cosmetic uses of Bee’s Honey – A review” Ayu, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
  8. The Shampoo pH can Affect the Hair: Myth or Reality?” International Journal of Trichology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
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Arshiya Syeda is an editor at StyleCraze. Prior to that, she was a content writer and combined her writing and... more

Vd. Naveen Sharma

(BAMS, Ayurveda Specialist)
Dr. Naveen Sharma is a renowned Ayurveda specialist with an experience of 10 years. He completed his Bachelor’s degree in... more