21 Effective Ayurvedic Beauty Tips For Glowing Skin

The ancient system offers a multitude of wellness tips that can keep your skin glowing.

By Ramona Sinha, Certified Skin Care Coach

Ayurveda is an ancient science that is a reservoir of nature’s essence. Not only natural remedies, but it is also a way of life that helps you embrace better lifestyle habits. If you are looking for holistic solutions for your skin care troubles, we have a few Ayurvedic beauty tips for glowing skin that will help you glow inside out. In this article, we have listed a few Ayurvedic tips and purifying habits that you can incorporate into your skin care routine. Keep reading!

21 Must-Try Ayurvedic Beauty And Skin Care Tips

Ayurvedic Lifestyle Tips For Glowing Skin

1. Early To Bed And Early To Rise


Apart from making you healthy and wise, this practice protects your beauty. Having too many late nights and not getting enough sleep increases the number of inflammatory cells in your body that worsen and trigger skin issues, such as acne and dermatitis. Moreover, they make the skin hydration system go haywire, causing your skin to become dry and age quickly. You need to follow a proper routine to make your skin feel rejuvenated (1), (2).

2. Do Not Mix Incompatible Foods

Food is medicine. But it can turn into poison when taken in the wrong combination. Avoid these incompatible food items to take care of your skin and health (3):

  • Milk And Fruit: Yes. Even if you love your bowl of yogurt mixed with fruits, avoid it. Fruits are digested quickly, and milk takes time to digest. So, during the processing time, the fruit curdles the milk and creates acidity.
  • Milk And Meat: Avoid consuming milk products (including desserts) if you have fish and meat. Fish heats up your body while milk cools it down. Combining these contrasting foods obstructs the vital body channels.
  • Cold Drinks After A Meal: Avoid having iced or cold drinks after meals. This is because cold suppresses the digestive juices and causes stomach issues. This is also applicable for frozen yogurt and ice cream after (or before) meals.
  • Ghee And Honey: Both, when taken together, react with the digestive acids in the body and produce toxic byproducts that can reportedly trigger rheumatic, neurological, and skin-related issues.

3. Drink Tea


Keeping yourself hydrated throughout the day is important. Drink water and also sip herbal tea in between. Make tea using herbs like chamomile, ginger, or lemon, and have it in the afternoon to keep your digestion healthy (4). And a healthy digestive system is crucial for glowing skin.

4. Consume Vegetables With High Water Content

Vegetables high in water content can be digested easily. Vegetables such as carrot, radishes, lettuce, asparagus and fennel tips, and cucumber are beneficial for all skin types. These are revered as purifiers. Cook them or dice them and make a salad. Always combine at least 3-5 vegetables in any form to keep your skin healthy (5)(6).

5. Exercise


Not only is it good for your heart and lungs, but it is also key to beautiful and glowing skin. Exercise boosts blood circulation and regulates skin metabolism to keep it healthy and youthful. This makes your skin glow from within (7).

6. Do Breathing Exercises

More than physical stress, mental stress can take a toll on skin health. Controlled breathing exercises are a great way to kick away stress and calm your mind. Before you go to sleep, do a simple breathing exercise. Inhale and fill your belly with air. Then, let it rise. Fill your lungs and then exhale slowly in the opposite order. Follow this for 5 to 20 minutes before you sleep or during any time of the day (8).

7. Meditate


You must be wondering how this can make your skin beautiful and glowing. Well, meditation helps in calming down your mind. When your mind is at rest, the positive energy or “chi” flows through your body, flooding your cells with vital energies. This not just reduces stress but also rejuvenates your skin (9).

8. Moisturize Your Skin

Keeping your skin moisturized and hydrated is crucial. Apart from drinking enough water, indulge in oil massages. Oil massage or Abhyanga is a vital part of the Ayurvedic skin care routine. Massaging your skin with herbal oils not only relaxes your muscles and tissues but also boosts blood flow. It also keeps dry skin at bay (10). For best results, massage your skin with oil just before hitting the bed so that it gets enough time to rejuvenate itself and soak in the goodness of the oil. You may try self-massage or visit a spa for an oil massage.

[ Read: Ayurvedic Treatments For Glowing Skin ]

9. Consume Seeds And Nuts


Seeds and nuts are not just for birds. In fact, adding them to your regular diet keeps your skin healthy. They contain healthy fats that are good for your cardiovascular system as well as your skin (11). They also contain omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. Consume sunflower seeds, almonds, pistachios, and flax seeds regularly for glowing skin.

10. Cut Down On Your Sugar And Salt Intake

High salt intake affects your blood pressure levels, and this, in turn, increases your risk of cardiovascular disease. Also, excess sugar and salt can affect the overall skin health, may lead to acne, and trigger allergic reactions (atopic dermatitis) (12),(13). These two compounds keep your skin elastic, toned, and wrinkle-free.

11. Protect Your Skin From Excessive Sun Exposure


Too much of anything is bad for you. While a bit of sun exposure is a necessity for giving your skin the daily dose of vitamin D, excessive exposure can harm it. The UV rays can cause tanning, sunburn, hyperpigmentation, and wrinkles (14). Whenever you go out, don’t forget to apply sunscreen. Use an umbrella, a hat, or a scarf to protect your skin.

[ Read: How To Use Ayurvedic Remedies For Boils ]

In addition to improving your lifestyle habits, you must stop slathering your skin with chemicals every day. Instead, switch to natural ingredients and remedies to keep it healthy. You will find these ingredients easily in your kitchen or fridge. Let’s look at a few.

Ayurvedic Beauty Tips For Healthy And Glowing Skin

12. Orange For Improving Your Complexion

The peel of orange contains vitamin C and antioxidants that keep your skin clear and bright (15). It is the perfect ingredient to make the ayurvedic face pack for oily skin. It also minimizes acne outbreaks. Dry orange peels under the sun, and powder them to use on your skin.

What You Need
  • 1 tablespoon orange peel powder
  • 2 tablespoons yogurt
  1. Mix the powder and yogurt.
  2. Use a brush to apply it evenly on your face and neck.
  3. Keep it on for 20 minutes.
  4. Wash it off.

13. Sandalwood And Turmeric For Controlling Acne


Both sandalwood and turmeric are revered in Ayurveda for their antibacterial properties. Both are extensively used in ayurvedic skin care too. They kill the acne-causing bacteria, clear the skin, tighten the pores, and prevent inflammation (16), (17).

What You Need
  • 1 tablespoon sandalwood powder
  • ½ tablespoon turmeric
  • 2-3 tablespoons honey (adjust as per the consistency)
  1. Mix all the ingredients in a glass bowl.
  2. Make a creamy paste.
  3. Apply all over your face and keep it on until it dries.
  4. Wash it with cold water.

[ Read: Simple And Effective Ayurvedic Treatments For Pimples ]

14. Raw Potato For Pigmentation

According to anecdotal evidence, potatoes contain starch and have mild bleaching properties that help in fading pigmentation, dark spots, and scars naturally. Moreover, they also contain helpful enzymes that prevent premature aging. However, there is no scientific evidence to prove this claim.

What You Need
  • 1 potato
  • Cotton ball
  1. Grate the potato and extract the juice.
  2. Dip the cotton ball in the potato juice and apply it to the affected area.
  3. Leave it on overnight.
  4. Wash it off the next day.

15. Fenugreek For Preventing Wrinkles


Fenugreek leaves contain essential vitamins and minerals that are effective in treating many skin issues, including wrinkles. You can use both fenugreek leaves and seeds. Your skin absorbs it easily, and you will see visible results with daily use (18).

What You Need

A handful of fresh fenugreek leaves (or 1 tablespoon fenugreek seeds)

  1. Grind the fenugreek leaves and make a fine paste.
  2. Apply a thin layer of the paste evenly all over your face.
  3. If you are using fenugreek seeds, boil them in water and apply the water with cotton.
  4. Leave it on for 30 minutes or an hour.
  5. Wash with lukewarm water.

16. Cow Ghee Massage For Anti-Aging Benefits

Pure cow ghee has multiple benefits. It enhances digestion and flushes out toxins from your system. And when you apply it to your face, it boosts collagen production, keeps your skin moisturized, and slows down the aging process. However, there is not enough empirical evidence to support the topical benefits of ghee.

What You Need
  • ½ teaspoon pure cow ghee
  • A few drops of water
  1. Mix the water and ghee.
  2. Apply the mixture to your face and massage for 10 minutes in circular motions.
  3. Let your skin absorb it for at least half an hour.
  4. You may leave it on overnight if you want.
  5. Wash off with a mild cleanser.

17. Tulsi Leaves For Instant Glow


The benefits of tulsi are beyond comparison. From fighting common ailments to keeping your skin healthy, this wondrous herb holds a special place in ayurvedic treatment for the skin. Tulsi extracts can help maintain youthful and glowing skin (19).

What You Need
  • A handful of tulsi leaves (basil)
  • 1 tablespoon raw milk
  1. Grind the tulsi leaves to make a paste.
  2. Mix it well with raw milk to give it a paste-like consistency.
  3. Apply the face pack and let it stay for 20 minutes.
  4. Wash with cold water.

18. Chickpea Flour For Dark Spots

Chickpea flour or besan is easily available in Indian kitchens and has amazing skin cleansing and antimicrobial properties. It is best for removing dark spots, tans, and pigmentation (20).

What You Need
  • 2 tablespoons chickpea flour
  • ½ teaspoon lemon juice (diluted)
  • 1 teaspoon milk (or yogurt or milk cream)
  1. Mix all the ingredients well and spread the pack on your face. Avoid
  2. the eyes.
  3. Let it dry completely.
  4. Wash with lukewarm water.

19. Chamomile And Fuller’s Earth For Toning Your Skin


Chamomile is known for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. When mixed with fuller’s earth or multani mitti, it tightens the pores, prevents breakouts, and tones your skin to make it appear clear and bright (20), (21).

What You Need
  • 1 cup chamomile tea (brew it strong)
  • 1 tablespoon fuller’s earth
  • 2 teaspoons honey
  1. Combine all the ingredients and make a paste.
  2. Spread it evenly on your face and neck.
  3. Leave it on until it dries and then wash with lukewarm water.

20. Sandalwood And Yogurt For Cleansing And Moisturizing

Sandalwood is a common ingredient in Ayurvedic medicine for glowing skin. It cleans the skin thoroughly, killing germs and bacteria, and leaves it looking fresh and bright. Yogurt has a brightening and moisturizing effect on your skin. It reduces blemishes and extra oiliness (17), (22).

What You Need
  • 1 teaspoon white sandalwood powder
  • ½ teaspoon milk
  • ½ teaspoon yogurt
  • ½ teaspoon turmeric powder
  1. Combine all the ingredients to make a paste.
  2. Use a brush to spread it thoroughly all over your face and neck.
  3. Leave it on for 20 minutes or until it is dry and your skin feels tight.
  4. Wash with cold water.

21. Saffron And Aloe Vera For Radiant Skin


Saffron or kesar is among the most expensive spices in the world. It is a time-tested spice that nurtures your skin and keeps it radiant and blemish-free. Aloe vera soothes your skin and reduces inflammation (23), (24).

What You Need
  • A pinch of saffron strands
  • 1 teaspoon milk
  • 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel
  1. Soak the saffron strands in milk. Leave it on overnight.
  2. The next day, mix it well with the aloe vera gel.
  3. Apply it to your face and let it stay for half an hour.
  4. Wash off with cold water.

Ayurvedic beauty tips are gaining popularity all over the world. These tips not only enhance your skin health but also promote your overall health. The tips include going to bed early and waking up early, avoiding a few food combinations, including herbal tea in your daily diet, eating more vegetables, exercising regularly, meditation, moisturization, and cutting down salt and sugar intake to positively affect your overall health. Also, including orange, turmeric, sandalwood, raw potato, chamomile, Fuller’s earth, tulsi leaves, and fenugreek in your skin care regimen can help improve your skin health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Ayurveda cure skin problems?

Yes. Ayurvedic practitioners believe that skin issues are caused by a dosha imbalance. Thus, their treatment aims to restore balance and harmony in the individual’s doshas. In addition, long-term skin illnesses and chronic conditions like dermatitis and eczema can be treated with Ayurveda.

Is Ayurveda better for skin?

Possibly. It can be better for people who prefer using natural ingredients to treat their skin issues. Ayurveda claims that skin issues are caused by an imbalance in any of the three doshas. This imbalance may be caused by food, lifestyle or other external factors including pathogens and pollutants., Ayurveda provides a comprehensive treatment that is both safe and effective over time.


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  1. Sleep loss and inflammation
  2. The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on the Biophysical Properties of Facial Skin
  3. Viruddha Ahara: A critical view
  4. Review on herbal teas
  5. Dietary water affects human skin hydration and biomechanics
  6. Contribution of Water from Food and Fluids to Total Water Intake: Analysis of a French and UK Population Surveys
  7. Exercise-stimulated interleukin-15 is controlled by AMPK and regulates skin metabolism and aging
  8. Effect of Modified Slow Breathing Exercise on Perceived Stress and Basal Cardiovascular Parameters
  9. Stress And Skin: An Overview of Mind Body Therapies As a Treatment Strategy In Dermatology
  10. Abhyanga – A Conceptualized Study
  11. Plant-Based Foods for Skin Health: A Narrative Review
  12. Diet And Dermatology
  13. Processed Food and Atopic Dermatitis: A Pooled Analysis of Three Cross-Sectional Studies in Chinese Adults
  14. UV Radiation and the Skin
  15. Evaluation of Skin Anti-aging Potential of Citrus reticulata Blanco Peel
  16. Potential of Curcumin in Skin Disorders
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  22. Clinical efficacy of facial masks containing yoghurt and Opuntia humifusa Raf. (F-YOP)
  23. Dermoprotective Effects of Saffron: A Mini Review
  24. Aloe vera in dermatology: a brief review
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Ramona is an editor at StyleCraze. Prior to that, she authored over 200 articles on skin and hair care. She... more