3 Types Of Weight Loss Injections – Benefits & Side Effects

Take your weight loss shot only after considering the pros and cons in detail.

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Sandeep Jassal, CDE, ND
By Tanya Choudhary

Diet and exercise are the most popular methods for achieving optimal health. However, we occasionally discover that even the most stringent diets and exercise regimes are ineffective. Most people resort to modern medicine to assist them in getting in shape at this point. Today, we can see that more drastic procedures can be taken to lose weight without undergoing surgery. One such measure is weight loss injections.

This choice is certainly unsuitable for you if you are afraid of needles! If your goal to lose weight outweighs your fear of injections, you may want to try this procedure. There are various types of weight loss injections from which you can choose. You can conduct research and read reviews to help you decide whether or not these injections are beneficial. Alternatively, you can achieve weight loss with the use of meal supplements and weight loss medications.

The standards of beauty are constantly evolving. It used to be size zero, but now it’s curvy. The requirement to stay healthy, on the other hand, is constant. Being overweight or obese has become commonplace in this age of sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy eating habits. Forget about the urge to be attractive; carrying additional weight might cause serious health problems.

After reading this post, if you feel comfortable getting the injections, go ahead! You should ask yourself a few things before deciding on a weight loss injection. Are you prepared to go to such extremes? Have you exhausted all other possibilities? Keep reading for greater insight.

Types of Weight Loss Injections:

Before opting for a weight loss injection, it is important to know the kinds of injections available and how they work. You can get the information at any clinic but it is best to do your home work lest you end up taking the wrong kind of injection! Since it is an injection, the wrong one can have harmful effects. You may also be allergic to the ingredients, so you need to be careful when it comes to weight loss shots. Check out these common and the most popular injections for weight loss:

1. B12: 

This injection for weight loss uses the effect of Vitamin B12 on our body. This vitamin can help increase metabolism and force our fat cells to release more energy. This can help reduce adipose tissues as well. A regulated dosage of B12 injection can help burn fat and reduce weight (1). But the effect of this injection is disputed by many doctors..

2. Lipotropic: 

There are many Lipotropic injections, which use Lipotropics as fat burners. The fat-burning property of Lipotropic is harnessed and used by these injections. Methionine, choline and inositol are the main chemicals that make up these injections. In the right dose, liportropic injections can help shed unwanted pounds easily (2), (3).

3. Vitamin B and Lipotropic: 

Here is one of the vitamin injections for weight loss! This injection is a concoction that contains the vitamins – B1, B2, B3, B6, B12 and C as well as 3 Lipotropics and Lidocaine. This injection essentially has all the compounds to aid weight reduction by burning excess fat; at the same time the vitamins ensure that our body is not starved of important nutrients (4). If you are allergic to Lidocaine, it is best to avoid the injection. Other than the Lidocaine, this injection does not have any common allergen in it. The injection uses the positive effects of both the B12 and Lipotropic. This leads to weight reduction as the fat in our body is burnt and energy is released.

If you do opt for such a drastic form of weight reduction, you need to know the dosages. Generally the doctor can tell you the right dose. You may be wondering whether you have to take the injection yourself. You can do it yourself if you are not queasy or better still, seek professional aid to get the shot. You need to take the injections on a regular basis, if you want to see rapid change in your body.

When weight loss diets and working out don’t work as fast as we want them to, some of us seek out drastic weight decreasing options, such as weight loss injections. The only problem is that while these injections do work, their effects are temporary. If you go back to eating too much, not exercising, and living a bad lifestyle with not enough sleep and too much alcohol consumption, you will gain back all that extra weight. Therefore, the key to healthy weight loss is eating right, exercising daily, and leading a healthy lifestyle!

Frequently Asked Questions

How much weight can you lose from injections?

The amount of weight you lose depends on several factors and varies from person to person

Do lipotropic pills work as well as injections?

It may work as well as injections together with proper diet and exercise. Consult your doctor to understand the benefits and risks of taking lipotropic pills before you start using them.

How many lipotropic injections are needed to see results?

Your doctor will take your body and several other factors into account before prescribing you the appropriate dosage.

Can you take lipotropic injections every day?

Every person’s body is unique. Only a medical professional will be able to tell you how many lipotropic injections per week you can take.

How quickly does a B12 shot work for weight loss?

Anecdotal evidence suggests it takes two to seven days for a B12 shot to show visible results.


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  1. Inverse Association Between Serum Vitamin B12 Concentration and Obesity Among Adults in the United States
  2. Effect of Choline Supplementation on Rapid Weight Loss and Biochemical Variables Among Female Taekwondo and Judo Athletes
  3. Effects of three treatment modalities (diet myoinositol or myoinositol associated with D-chiro-inositol) on clinical and body composition outcomes in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
  4. Treatment of Lipoma by Injection Lipolysis
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Dr. Sandeep Jassal

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