How To Get Rosy Cheeks Naturally Without Using Makeup?

A simple and holistic approach is the best way to get those blushing cheeks.

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Seepika Jaiswal, MBBS, FAM
By Jyotsana Rao

It’s every person’s dream to have naturally rosy cheeks. They add a rosy tint to your cheeks and make you look fresh. Instead of using so many commercial cosmetic products to achieve that look, you can follow these simple tips on how to get rosy cheeks naturally. Keep reading to know more!

How to Have Rosy Cheeks Naturally?

Read below about the 7 ways that will help you achieve natural rosy cheeks. These are the best measures when compared to makeup for attaining the rosy cheeks.

1. Proper and Sufficient Diet:

Having a good and healthy meal is the key to healthy skin and a more beautiful self (1). You should never skip your meals even when you are on diet. Crash dieting is never good for your health. You should take at least 4 nice and healthy meals a day viz. Breakfast, Lunch, tea and Dinner.

If you are hungry in between meals, you should take some light snacks which are healthy. Never leave your stomach growling for food. That will make you eat even more when you sit down to eat next.

The food you eat can give you a natural glow from inside as follows:

a.  Cut down on the red meat consumption. Include fish and chicken proteins.

b.  Add sprouts to your meals .They are a great source of proteins (2).

c. Add low-fat milk and milk products like low-fat yogurt and skimmed milk.

d.  Add lentils to your daily meals. They will give you the daily protein boost.

2. Exercise and Hydration:

Regular exercise improves the skin’s ability to retain moisture and helps you maintain and preserve bright and beautiful skin (3).

3. Exfoliation:

Regular exfoliation of skin may help you get soft and rosy cheeks (4). However remember that if you are exfoliating your skin regularly, then a mild and very gentle scrub is the best solution. Do not scrub every day, especially in a harsh manner. It is best to exfoliate just once a week.

4. Mild Bleaching:

Some mild bleaching can help you get rosy cheeks. Mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with 3 tablespoons of water. Apply this solution with a cotton ball to the cheeks. This will make your skin jump to life. However, if it reacts then do not continue.

5. Fill in the deficiency:

There are two vitamins that are vital to the natural glow of the skin. These are vitamin E and Vitamin C. If you see unnecessary cracking of your lips or your facial skin getting even more dry than normal, this may be the cause of deficiency of Vitamin E and C (5). Consult a good doctor and take capsules as supplements for these two Vitamins.

Alternatively or complementing the intake of supplements, you can apply a paste of Orange peel which is rich in vitamin C, and mix it up with some Cream milk and a broken Vit E capsule. Apply this paste on the skin, especially on the cheeks for 20 minutes, and wash off with lukewarm water.

6. Anger and Stress management:

Stress and anger can rip the natural glow off your skin. So try to keep the levels of anger and stress away as far away as possible. Try yoga or meditation. Sleep is also an important factor. If you are not getting enough sleep, it will mean your stress levels will not be completely countered. Sleep enough so that when you wake up, you feel fresh. Your skin will glow naturally. Moreover, when you sleep, your skin secretes oils that nourish your skin while you sleep.

7. Proper Massage:

Circulation of blood under the skin is a nice way to add glow to your skin. Proper massage in clockwise and anticlockwise motions can make your skin supple and rosy within days (6). Continue this to get proper benefits. You can massage your skin with facial massage cream too.

Every woman desires rosy cheeks because they enhance the face’s youthful appearance and make them appear more attractive than ever. However, you do not need makeup to achieve rosy cheeks. To reach your objectives, you must live a healthy lifestyle. Follow the tips and methods mentioned above to achieve rosy cheeks easily without burning a hole in your wallet. These are the most natural and effective remedies that can be tried at home. Although they are safe to apply to your skin, you must consult a dermatologist before using them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do rosy cheeks mean you are healthy?

No. Rosy cheeks may not always indicate good health. You may get rosy cheeks due to cold weather, sunburn, and conditions like lupus and rosacea.

Why are my cheeks always red?

Permanently red cheeks may indicate allergic reactions, skin conditions like rosacea, and other underlying health concerns.


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  1. Diet and Skin Aging—From the Perspective of Food Nutrition
  2. Sprouts and Microgreens Trends Opportunities and Horizons for Novel Research
  3. The association between activity levels and skin moisturising function in adults
  4. Skin Care with Herbal Exfoliants
  5. Role of Micronutrients in Skin Health and Function
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Jyotsana Rao is an engineering graduate from NIT, Nagpur, who discovered her love for writing during her undergraduate days. She... more

Dr. Seepika Jaiswal

(MBBS, Diploma In Dermatology, FAM)
Dr. Seepika Jaiswal is a cosmetic dermatologist, hair transplant surgeon, and micro pigmentation specialist. After completing her MBBS, she went... more